Jim Freund’s Blog
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For a number of years now, I’ve been sending to friends at year-end a package containing my latest musical, photographic, and prose efforts. Still, there are many more topics I’d like to hold forth on during the rest of the year. So I’m initiating this blog to offer up from time to time (although not on a regular schedule) some lightweight essays that I hope you’ll enjoy. (I may include a new photo of mine from time to time.)
Jim Freund ’56:
Cocktail Hour Piano Entertainment and Singalong Video
PASSWORD: reunions-2021
Foiled Again
The first offering here is Foiled Again, January’s sad response to one of those New Year’s resolutions. To read it, click on the “Click Here” button.
Do It Now!
ATTENTION, all seniors – especially you septuagenarians and octogenarians. Hark to my latest discovery, aimed at reducing much of the self-flagellation we’re prone to impose on ourselves. To read it, click on the “Click Here” button.
Wit & Wisdom
Picture this scene. It’s late evening in your den. After several drinks, your aging companion begins to hold forth at length about the good old days – comparing them far too favorably with “what we’re stuck with today,” bubbling over with wistfulness and sentimentality. To read it, click on the “Click Here” button.
Couples Counseling Redux
My eyes are riveted on the 5x7 color print in a box of old photos I’ve recently come across.
Revisiting “The Vegas Resolution”
HELP! I’m reaching out to my readers for guidance here. There’s a certain short story I want to write that will serve a purpose, but I see a variety of ways I might go about it. So this piece is really a newfangled branch of prose – an essay about a projected fictional story, or a tale wrapped in an essay, or whatever . . . . Just hang in there, and then set me straight.
Reflections on Aging
There may be times when an octogenarian doesn’t think much about aging, but observing one’s birthday during that decade is not among them.