FALL 2022

There’s something about the way the colors of autumn in the northeast create special images each year. Here’s a watery scene from near our weekend home in Easton, CT.

The colors pop up both close and away in the trees.

I spotted these early Fall images along the back roads near our home – not much color but some worthwhile shapes.

Here are a few shots from the picturesque town of Southport, CT.

I spend some time each weekend at the home of our good friends, Dick and Carole Eisner, in the neighboring town of Weston. Once the Fall leaves have been raked, Dick and I play octogenarian tennis on his court, while Carole’s colorful and imaginative sculptures adorn
their front lawn.

Here are some scenes from our home. The big trees in the bottom shot were planted as little shrubs by my wife Barbara and our friend Bill Silver
a decade or two ago.
In September, we went down to North Carolina for Barbara’s high school reunion. We stayed at a hotel in Durham, and I photographed its golf course from the window of our room.

On that trip we paid a visit to our grand-niece Kate, who is a freshman at Duke University this year. For me, the Duke quad surrounded by dormitories was reminiscent of the quad I lived in as a junior at Princeton 67 years ago.
These geese were spotted near the lake in Barbara’s childhood home town of Rocky Mount, NC.
Now I’m back in NYC with a photo from Carl Schurz Park
near the East River.

Barbara took this fine shot of Central Park with her cellphone from the window of one of her Fifth Avenue brokerage listings.
In October we went up to Cambridge, Mass for my 60th Harvard Law School reunion. We stayed at a Boston hotel, where I snapped this photo from the window of our room.
Here’s another shot of Boston in the Fall taken from our hotel room.

These buildings are part of the law school where the reunion was held.

That same month, I visited my granddaughter Paige at her school, Masters, in Debbs Ferry NY, and encountered some interesting images.

I’ll close with a shot of what late Fall looks like in CT, with the trees stripped of their leaves and awaiting the snows of winter.