Water-cooled greenery and a reflective goose.

The lush lawn and tree-lined perimeter of Chez Fox-Freund.

A few home-based floral offerings.

Those pink blossoms up close.

Here’s some hydrangeas.

Leaving that abundance to encounter individual buds among local lily pads.

Slender reeds, their spitting images, and serene lily pads.

A field of color.

This handsome barn preens for its close-up.

Other matters of local interest.

The remaining pix were all taken at the Stamford Museum Nature Center, where visitors are greeted by this rocky waterfall.

A closer view of the waterfall and a nearby rushing stream.

I like this sedate image overlooking the Nature Center’s wee lake.
![SWAN[N]’s WAY . . . . (with apologies to Proust).](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6012d97e8a41220043426276/75e02c17-e2e1-49ed-8f7d-b2945b9db813/14.jpg)
SWAN[N]’s WAY . . . . (with apologies to Proust).

Now two geese get into the act (my favorite snap here).

A grouping of their buddies.

The geese make useful photogenic companions for these two charmers.

They also serve as fine reflective models . . .

. . . even when they’re four on a rock.

Otters are so telegenic, both on land and at sea.

The little guy can even stand upright, leveraging that swishing tail.

“Mr. Freund, I’m ready for my close-up now. . .”

Goats . . .

. . . galore . . .

. . . and quite comfortable in telephoto.

These attractive curved horns simply couldn't be ignored.

“Hey, what’s in there, buddy?” – plus some odd-looking pigs.

Switching now to bovine subjects for the next three frames.

A feeding llama . . .

. . . and an alpaca in repose.

For a finale, we hark back to some local flora and our personal golden fauna.