1/29/22 Nor’Easter from a Manhattan Terrace

The 1/29/22 Nor’easter striking the northeast states triggered enough calamity warnings that we decided to stay in New York City that weekend. (NB: The glowing photo above was taken after the storm had passed.)

This is the scene we awoke to on Saturday morning. The storm, which had been raging since the early nighttime hours, was still in progress, so – coward that I am – this first photo was taken from inside our apartment.

Here’s another of the scene outside, which was snapped from the safe confines of the apartment.

Later that morning I finally got my boots on and gingerly stepped outside on the terrace. Here’s what the city looked like.

More views of the city later in the day as the storm was winding down.

Time to hustle the dogs out of the apartment’s comfort and into the snow.

It was also time for my energetic wife Barbara to plow a path for the menagerie to frolic in.

This is how our plantings looked that day.

Our outdoor dining area . . . .

. . . and its accompanying greenery.

Here's the scene looking north on Third Avenue from 79th Street . . . .

. . . and here's the way it looked facing south.

As the bad weather continued, we began to wonder whether the sun would ever come out again . . . .

Well, it did! – and in all its glory – on the very next day (Sunday). Just look at those glorious shadows.

More of the same, now being visited by our golden retriever Sydney.

With the sky clear, I was now out there on the terrace with my camera, snapping away at the welcome bright vistas.

This is looking down on 79th Street (left) and south on Third Avenue (right).

I became fascinated by the traces the storm had left behind on various neighborhood vistas.

Some other local terraces . . .

. . . and several rooftops.

I’ll close by juxtaposing a dusted terrace across Third Avenue with some snow-covered cars parked on 79th Street. By the way, I never did leave the apartment and its terrace that day . . . . So much for the Nor’easter . . . .