Memorial Day 2021
in a small CT Town

The Easton CT memorial to WWII and Korea veterans.

The veterans who are leading the annual parade, which culminates in a gathering at the Town Hall plaza.

Representatives of Easton’s police and fire departments, plus a decorated Colonel who will be the day’s speaker.

Boy Scouts and other groupings.

Some standout female marchers.

Easton’s fire truck and volunteer ambulance.

Easton is host to several working farms – hence the workers and their heavy equipment.

Additional modes of transportation.

Some venerable autos – and note the under-populated display of the town’s senior center.

An assortment of spectators (including at least one superhero).

The traditional gathering in the plaza fronting the Town Hall.

The color guard, the town’s guardians, and the speakers.

Photogenic kids are everywhere . . .

. . . And here are more kids . . .

. . . and dogs, too. One benign pooch (lower left) took umbrage at the direct gaze of my camera, turning a bit hostile (lower right).

Featured here is my buddy, Dick Greiser, whose family founded and have been the proprietors of the village market for many decades.

The playing of Taps, with the flag lowered to half-mast.

The festivities culminate in a crackling salute. (But stay tuned for what comes next.)