MANHATTAN (featuring the Park Avenue Swimming Sculptures)

When Gent and I got back to Manhattan the afternoon following our recent Brooklyn excursion (depicted in last month’s blog), we decided to take a few random photos of my home borough – starting off with the Empire State Building and the UN Building.

Those big buildings are great, but there’s also a garbage-filled side
of Manhattan.

Plus which, there’s always something unusual – as in this geometric scene near the East River.

Here I was looking downward over the flowers to the East River.

More of the East River, of the East River Drive, and of Gent, my favorite man behind the wheel.

We accidentally discovered one of the borough’s little gems,
Tudor City Greens.

Here’s a close-up of this mini-park.

Those are the flowers you see when you’re sitting on this bench.

Now, that’s a vase!

Back to Manhattan’s familiar streets.

That’s the “lipstick” building on Third Avenue, where Bernie Madoff plied
his trade.

I like this random street scene, shot from our car.

But the star attraction of our little junket that day was the Swimming Sculptures of Park Ave, which Gent and I took turns shooting.

The exhibit, between 34th and 38th streets, featured the artworks of
Carole A. Feuerman.

If you didn’t see this in person, it’s now too late, but I think these photos capture the essence.

We’ll close with something traditional – P.J. Clark’s (situated beneath
919 Third Avenue, where I practiced law for a couple of decades) . . . .

. . . and something not traditional, but definitely eye-catching.